Wednesday, April 22, 2020


During my travels in cyberspace, I came across an old gaming catalogue. It as an Australian one dating back to Autumn (March-May) 1995.

From the looks of it, this catalogue was still in the 16-bit era. The SNES and the Megadrive are still going strong and there's no mention of PlayStation or even Windows 95 (here we have to settle for Windows 6.22).

But what I find intriging are two deals the catalogue have going:
One offer is a Megadrive, with a game, and a second controller for $199.95
The other is a Mega CD with two games and an audio CD for $379.95

Together, these deals make for $570.90

That may sound a lot but keep in mind this is in mid-1990s money.
That being said, if we adjust for inflation, the $570.90 becomes, in 2020 ......(wait for it)....


Needless to say, I am grateful to live in a world where the games I buy are available at such affordable prices

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