Friday, November 12, 2010

....since I Rock n Rolled uh-huh

I've been playing a lot of Rock Band lately - only this time it's on a completely different system. Whereas previously I've been playing it on the Wii, now I've moved onto the Xbox.

In hindsight, it seems daft to play Rock Band on the Wii when the Xbox/PS3 offers backward compatibility and proper hard-drives to store music on but in my defense this was more accident than design: At the Melbourne EGames expo 2009, they had a stage set up where punters could go up and play Rock Band 2 - with prizes for those who "rocked out". I went up, in a Cloud Strife cosplay and performed Are You Gonna be My Girl with gusto and won. As I only had a Wii at the time, I told the Harmonix people so in order for them to send my game - But whereas I was expecting the Game (I should stress that RB2 was never released in this country) I was sent the whole entire band kit!

So yay me. Do I regret getting RB2 for the Wii? I see no reason to (getting something for nothing is perfectly fine by me). Sure it means I won't have a proper music library like the PS3 or Xbox but, as long as I can use the Wii for Beatles Rock Band, it isn't a total waste.
Of course, jumping over to a new system will mean I'll have to download all the DLC I did for the Wii all over again and make new avatars to rebuild my band (is it kinda weird that I have some kind of attachment to the characters I created for a fictitious band in a fictitious universe dreamt up by Harmonix?). But hey, it's still good fun. After all, that's what drew me to Rock Band in the first place.

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